20/Feb/2020 | 18:00 - 22:30
Building Ferrari 2, room B107 and Hall
Via Sommarive 9, Povo
During the ICT Days, the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) is organizing a Hub for the Online Qualification Round of #Hash Code 2020.
Hash Code is a team-based programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals across the world. The participants pick their team and programming language, Google picks a real-life engineering problem for them to solve.
In collaboration with Bending Spoons
Hash Code By Google @DISI HUB: 42 teams with 144 participants overall.
Highest Total Score: we are proud to announce DISI Hub is the first university HUB in world ranking! Second place in overall tanking after the Company Garanti BBVA Technology (Turkey).

Contact@DISI Hub: Prof. Alberto Montresor
Further information: Hash Code